Mimi's Way


“2020” !!! COME AND BE GOING

Dearest 2020, come and be going. ‘Biko‘ or what do you people think. I can go on and on about the things that 2020 brought (and didn’t bring) and you probably have a list out on things too. Now I will know how it feels like to tell a generation about something they didn’t witness (kind of like how our parents always make it seem like we will never know what was what. “The back in my time talks”).

We can rant all we want but the truth is with or without 2020 people died, people got sick and died, SARs was still very much in action, racial deposition leading to various unconscionable acts were still done against people from all kinds of life, jobs were never secure nor stable, people were wallowing in depression and so many forms of mental illness, quite frankly a lot of the things being televised now was still very much happening.


In the very same light 2020 didn’t bring heroes or heroines, they were there all along. Health workers went to work with a 50-50 chance of survival, police and other law enforcement workers lived with the burden of ensuring safety for others, delivery service workers risked their lives (and pride sometimes for stubborn customers like me) day in and day out, people were genuinely nice and kind and sweet.


And you. Yes you. You didn’t always have a smile on your face, you weren’t right with God, you weren’t that assured of your position and promotion, they didn’t really understand half of the things you said, life really wasn’t that okay and easy, …


We complained of time to spend with our partners and spouses yet 2020 has recorded a high number of divorces and break ups (and equal skyrocketing numbers of weddings), we whine about wanting rest and breaks yet when we got it we dived straight into depression and anxiety, we don’t read our bibles; have quite times; meditate because we are always in a hurry but guess what you still don’t do any … and the list can go on at your side where you can write all the things you gave excuses for because you didn’t have time but still don’t do it anyway despite having time now.

So tell me exactly what 2020 has done?

To me, the only thing that happened really was light being shone on the things that were in the dark because even if 2020 had come with all the right things, it still wouldn’t have made life easy. It still wouldn’t have changed the fact that you were looking at them on your phone but not really seeing them.

And no we won’t down play any pain or hurt or sorrow or sadness or grieve that you have been through because heck this year has been sh**y but you have got to admit that now a new world with crazy possibilities have been opened to you. It’s like you have been through the fire and have developed Super Saiyan (to all Dragon Ball fans).

With that being said, the year is coming to an end and I for one can’t wait. You probably can’t wait too but let’s all take a moment and evaluate all that happened. BLM, the baby elephant story, EndSARs, election controversies, J.J Rawlings; Kobe and Gianna Byrant; Maradona; Chadwick Boseman passing, Covid-19 (and all the whiplash that came with it) … all the names we have sworn to mention out loud, the hunger, the lay offs, the holds and stand stills, the smiles, the understanding (you thought you were never gonna get), the shift in priorities and perceptions and perspectives, the bonding, the achievements, the breaking of boundaries, …

Let’s take all that and not shove them down any hole but face and own them, retain the lessons, imbue all the experiences and be ready to take the reins of 2021 because a little birdie chirped to me that there is a blast in stock for us. Are you ready!

And so, 2020 come and be going!!! Oh before I sign out Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

You might also like: Smile the settlements away.

I refuse to not see life as cupcakes and rainbows 😁😁😁.

Thank you for reading.

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