The week that just passed brought us Ghana’s Independence Day and World Women’s Day celebrations. But are these the only good things that happened in the past week? How involved are you when there comes a celebration. Be it in the family, among your friends, or by yourself. What are the things you celebrate?
What even classifies an event as a little or big celebration? Your house is filled with all kinds of pointed stuff yet no one time did you ever poke yourself to tragic harm. You wake up demotivated and not really up to the task but somehow the day ends and you realize just how much work you were actually able to accomplish. You live in a two-timing country manifesting all kinds of treachery yet day in and day out you are safeguarded. The number of transits you make between vehicles in a day alone is enough to power the Eiffel Tower but it is almost as if you don’t realize just how much of a success that is.
There is always a reason for celebration and you don’t even have to look that hard. Because the more you celebrate the little things all around you, the more enjoyable the big ones are.
Make it your mission this week and the days ahead of you to purposefully and intentionally look out for all the “little” successes and celebrate them. With everything going on, more than ever we need the affirmation that there are still beautiful things working for us, there are still nice people around and life is still worth every single breathe.
In light of celebration, head over to and support the cause. More than supporting, take a chance and purchase her e-magazines. Trust me you won’t be wasting your money, or time. The information she has complied are just needed to be heard, there is never a dull moment.
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Also check out; Ghana’s Independence Day.
I refuse to not see life as cupcakes and rainbows 😁😁😁.
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