Mimi's Way

Childish vs Childlike

Childish vs Childlike?

Tell me.
Are you Childish or Childlike?
Do you know objectively the difference between these two?
At what point does one qualifies to be termed as any of these?
And what tag is associated with these two?
Is it a good thing to be termed as one or the other? Or is it not?
What feelings are invoked in you when you come across people exhibiting any of these two?

How about we do a break down.


Means something that is appropriate to a child. It can also mean silly or immature.
It is easy to look at this definition and immediately or out rightly deny having any affinitive to it.
But here is the thing, when we say a child is silly, it usually isn’t a condemning phrase.
We call children silly when they;

  1. fail to understand that not everything is for them.
  2. don’t see the difference between consenting to and bearing with.
  3. can’t tell between needed concerns and micro overbear-ance.

Because it’s funny, annoying yes, but funny. But then how does that look on me? Hmmm …


Means something that has a resemblance, suggesting or qualities of a child.
Being childlike, is when:

  1. everything and anything excites and amazes you.
  2. your curiosity opens up this whole world of unrestricted creativeness with limitless imagination and you find yourself trying and doing whatever, however.
  3. you don’t even think twice about owning up to things because often times you think that someone is about to take something that is yours (the movie “Big Fat Liar” is testimony).

As much as it is easy to likewise look at these and go like, yeah, that is totally me. What you have to realize is that these qualities are embedded in innocence. They are encased in pureness. It is not about profits and gains.

The bible throws these child this and child that along passages cautioning us to be as such and sometimes we even use it interchangeably but really which one is which.
So I ask again,
Are you Childish or Childlike?

Also check out; Conversation.

I refuse to not see life as cupcakes and rainbows 😁😁😁.

Thank you for reading.

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