Mimi's Way

Fear of God - Mimi's Way

Fear Of God

“Fear of God”.
What is it?
Growing up, there was this one phrase my mother would always say to me as how I was acting if I did something she expected me to do only in her presence but never in her absence.
“Fan-fool or fun-fool respect”. It is an African phrase that can be likened to fauxed respect”. Basically pretending and feigning respect but deep down you know you could care less.
And as I begun to ponder over this post topic, I wondered if I actually did fear the Lord or it was another one of my feigned activities.

What comes to your mind when the phrase “Fear of God” is mentioned.
Is it fright that He/the Lord is going to kill and destroy you if you don’t abide by His words; that it makes you act so as not to draw His wrath?
Is it that you have heard or seen enough to believe that hell is not for you so you might as well fear the Lord in order to go to heaven/paradise?
Is it that your religious friends are around so you have to meet the standards by acting in an expected way?
Is it you acting in accordance to what your Pastor/Priest or devotional guide told you to do?

What is Fear of God?

Here is what I think beautifully explained in this verse,

Proverbs 2:1-5 NIV

My son, if you accept my words
 and store up my commands within you,
turning your ear to wisdom
 and applying your heart to understanding-
indeed, if you call out for insight
 and cry aloud for understanding,
and if you look for it as for silver
 and search for it as for hidden treasure,
then you will understand the fear of the Lord
 and find the knowledge of God.

It is more about coming to the understanding that the “Fear of God” is more about yourself than you could have ever imagined.
I think the “Fear of God” is more about the true expression of your love for the Lord and the relationship you have built with Him.
It is more like standing by the ocean, seeing it in all it’s brilliance, loving and savoring every bit of it’s warmth, being in ambiance with the peace and serenity it exudes but then ultimately knowing and understanding that with every step you take, you have got to set boundaries for yourself.

Also check out; Childish vs Childlike?

I refuse to not see life as cupcakes and rainbows 😁😁😁.

Thank you for reading.

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