Mimi's Way

Hello Future

Hello Future!

Hello Future Me.

How are we?
Did we get any better?
Did we become good looking?
Did it make a difference?
Did it mean anything?
Did it finally make sense?
Did we overcome the addictions and setbacks?
Did the the light dim or fade or go out?

How are they?
Do they start looking and listening?
Do they stop talking and concluding?
Do they learn something .. anything?
Do they earn place, person and time?
Do they show up or down or about?
Do they .. no .. could they tell?

How is life?
Does it become meaningful, eventful and less boring?
Does it flow spontaneously or do we still do that?
Does it hurt less or do we become numb?
Does it become worthwhile and momentous?
Does it all come together and work for good?

Hello Future Me,

Just so you know, I am living well.
Well, I am trying. Step by step everyday.
A lot of things don’t make sense maybe because I am not looking for the sense it anything. I am just trying hard everyday that I wake to rather look for the joy in everything and anything. To be all that my Savior has called me to be.
In the future, when we meet, I hope that we still have this resolve.
In the future, when we meet, I am going to come to you with a big wide smile because I know you will be proud of me.

Future me, I am also working on them. I am working on how much to let them have and control.
I am working on what they get out of me and how they get it out of me. Rights and all that comes with it.
In the future, when we meet, please tell me I succeeded. That I was able to keep them at an arm’s length away. That I smile at them and subtly shake my head in pride because I don’t let them get to me as much.

And before I forget, life is going as life should go. Lines are blurry and fogged up but visions are clear and concise. Paths are narrowing and closing up but leg muscles are widening and bulking up. Destinations are mirages and distancing but resolutions are camels and actualities.

So in future when we meet ..

Yours truly,

Also check out; Priorities Aligned.

I refuse to not see life as cupcakes and rainbows 😁😁😁.

Thank you for reading.

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