Mimi's Way

I Am A Christian

I Am A Christian!

I am a Christian, ain’t I. I sure am. And guess what.

You don’t get to quantify just how much good of a Christian I am. You don’t get to align my worthiness to the things I do or do not do. You don’t get to give accreditation to my actions and works. You don’t get to grade my successes and failures. You don’t get to discredit my journey and process. You don’t get to define who the Saviour is to me. You don’t get to figure my salvation out. Yes, you, you don’t get to do any of that.

I am a Christian. And that is that.


Hey there,

So this piece is one that is close to my heart. I wrote it, yes, I did in a time where I felt like everyone else was getting ahead of me. And I know I am not the only one that has had such feels before. So listen up;


You know just as much as there are filters for insta stories, and snapchats, and tictoks and what have you. There is just as much ‘filters‘ that ‘Christian person‘ you are looking at.

How many times have you hit Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, even WhatsApp status and have been bombarded with how good of a Christian others are except you. They are praying, posting verse, uprooting and debugging strongholds and then there is you. You, who can barely get through your morning devotions; You, who can hardly remember that last time you fasted; You, who seem to be so shallow and not deep on spirituality; You, who can’t fix that habit or addiction of yours; You, who honestly doesn’t have anything together.

But darling, listen, you don’t need to look or present like them to be good. Because you already are to the one that actually matters. You are to God. You are to Christ. You are to the Holy Spirit. Wanna know how? Because they never left you. There is nothing wrong with wanting growth and you should grow in faith, in spirit and all that. You getting frustrated that you are not enough already is a sign that you are yearning for growth.

Do it your own pace. Do it your own way. Because at the end, there won’t be a tabulated record of how much you posted to love the Lord rather there would be the showing evidence of how much you lived to love the Lord.

Also check out; SURRENDERING!!!

I refuse to not see life as cupcakes and rainbows 😁😁😁.

Thank you for reading.

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