Mimi's Way


Insecurities!! To Hell With You


Everywhere I turn, you grace me with your presence.
Everywhere I look, you approach me as though you are all I have got.
Everyday when I feel like I almost escaped your grips, I see myself back in your clutches again.
Everynight when I lay down and tell myself that tommorrow will be brighter, I wake with your gloom hanging heavily over my head.

What happened to being happy?
What happened to being free?

Insecurities! To hell with you.
Expectations! To hell with you.
Milestones! To hell with you.

My goals are mine to acheive.
My ambitions are mine to reach.
My success is my story to tell.
Who are you to dictate to me what way to go.
I carve my path, my way at my pace with my rules.

Seriously, Be gone from me.

Dear You,

You know usually this is how we begin life milestones,

  • At 2months; A child should be able to bring the hands to the mouth, make eye contact, enjoy a variety of movements …
  • At 6months; He/she should react to sudden noises or sounds, roll from back to tummy and tummy to back, show interest in food …
  • At 9months; He/she imitates sounds, focuses on objects near and far, sits without support …
  • At 12months; There is the acheivement of taking first steps, Waving Bye-Bye. Babbling has sounds and rhythms of speech …
  • At 18months; First words are spoken, Laughing, Walking independently, Pointing at familiar objects and people in pictures …
  • At 3years; They are walking up steps, riding a tricycle, eating with a spoon or fork, understands most simple sentences …
  • At 5years; Counting, Write letters and spell their own name, Fully dress and undress yourself …

And then it continues till you grow old and then you get to adulthood and then more than developmental milestone, it becomes expectations that are anticipated for you to met because you are a certain age.

Say, you are 20ish something people will be looking at you like, ‘Where is your degree’? ‘You should have completed your basic educational stages by now’. ‘What happened’.
You get to 30-40ish and the questions of ‘Won’t you get married’? (Expecially for my ladies). ‘Do you have a job’ ‘What job do you do’? ‘You are not getting any younger; You should have kids now’ begin.
At 50 you should be preparing for pension.

You know the drill. It’s a never ending of this and that … And while there is nothing wrong with that (because let’s face it sometimes these checkers help you not to slack off). The moment it begins to dictate to you what mood you should be cruising then nah. It’s a no no.

“Life is how you make it” was my high school’s motto and sure we sang it in songs and anthems but I doubt that I ever took it as seriously as I do now. The milestones are good to input in your life because they show you where you are at in life and what you are capable of acheiving at that stage. Expectations are also beautifully challenging precedents that help you to strive for more and not settle for less. Yet if you do not measure the two well enough you create a nasty disease;


No two people (not even twins) are the same. Each and everyone of us have their own packet of tools and skills and opportunities designated to them to achieve the stipulated outcome special to them. I am not You and You are not Me. And so my sweet darling when that birthday or year end ceremony or that family gathering comes and you look around and it seems like you didn’t get anywhere or achieve anything, do this with me;

  1. Sit down
  2. Inhale and exhale
  3. Put a smile on your face
  4. And say it with me
  5. Insecurities!! To hell with you.

Why? Just cause I couldn’t meet it now, it doesn’t mean that I would never. This is why!

Related: Smile the settlement away.

I refuse to not see life as cupcakes and rainbows 😁😁😁.

Thank you for reading.

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