Mimi's Way


The human body for as long as we live will keep on showing us just how complex we actually are. And to some extent, this ignorance can be blissful. Because the sense of pride and warmth that embraces you after you have achieved a task or overcome a challenge you never thought you could is immeasurable. You get to create a memory that you can share or even relive for years.

In the same light, there are those shared emotions, and experience that both builds and break bonds. Knowing about the same thing yet reacting differently. Having the same bad egg yet nurturing it differently. ‘We all cry differently’. This again showing just how complex (and in this turn uniquely complex) we are.

However, for most times, that gray area is where many conditions reside. Now while I wouldn’t necessarily classify menopause as a condition but rather a natural phase in the life of every woman. It is notwithstanding that it lays in that gray space too. Making it hard to share experiences with friends without thinking of the ‘whys’.

So first of all, congratulations to you. Because getting this far of in life, regardless of whatever else that is going on is a great feat and an achievement you should be proud of. And remember, gray space or not, there is a community of women with you on this journey.

My one goal is to shine light on the multitude of physical, emotional, and mental changes that you are going through that would provide you with the needed understanding, support and care to embrace this new chapter of your life with grace and confidence.

Welcome to your menopause care empowerment hub.     
