It’s now or never. Today I want to share an experience of something that happened, the past week. Never have I related so much to someone but I got to check that of my ‘never have I’ list.
So there I was in a queue to go have my licensing pin renewed, all the while minding my business (I would very much like to think of it like that) and the other side dipped a little indicating the presence of someone but thanks to Covid 19, there was no need to gaze at them. We both mumbled greetings or something like that to each other and the first thing I notice was how this person was tapping their feet and kept on with the action.
Okay, hear me out, I DO NOT, under any circumstance hate noise whatsoever but on this particular day, I wasn’t in the mood to be distracted. I intently stared at her from her feet to her face for about four times to tell her I was not appreciating her rhythm but apparently she thought of herself as some beatboxer, I can never tell. But my irritation had about gotten to the peak and I pushed my mask down a little to diplomatically tell her to ***… the …** well yeah but almost immediately she spoke up,
“I am disturbing you right. Sorry. I can’t really help it. It’s just that I keep getting excited, annoyed and worried at the same time. We obvi are here to renew our pins but I haven’t exactly started practicing yet and I am happy to start but when I look at you all’s faces, it feels like I shouldn’t be as excited as I am. This is like my dream, it’s a now or never for me but I feel like I am eventually going to look like this some days to come”.
And I couldn’t stop the sad smile that broke on my face. Did I get her, HELL YEAH. But unknowingly, she had one up on me. Her ‘it’s now or never’ stuck with me and I kept thinking about all the things that I push back thinking I would get to it later. All the scooting overs, the lazing around, the procrastinations, there will eventually come the day when I wouldn’t be up to it even if I want to. Truth is, when you actually delve into it, everything is now or never.
This Easter, salvation is up for grab at no cost to you but at the greatest cost to the one willing to give it. My dear, it’s now or never. Heed to the calling now that you have breathe before it’s too late. Don’t look to the left, Don’t look to the right. And it’s not going to be easy. It took Jesus His life so definitely it’s going to take you equally your ‘life‘. But rest on His promises that He will be with you through it all.
I have learnt that indeed, it’s NOW or NEVER! What about you?
Happy New Month, (April always bring me joy for a lot of reasons, I have shared one of them with you today) Happy Easter and finally have an ‘A-OK’ week😘.
Also check out; My Dear Woman, …
I refuse to not see life as cupcakes and rainbows 😁😁😁.
Thank you for reading.
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